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Mpow Jaws V4.1 Review

Meets the bare minimum for getting rid of headphone cords while you work at your desk, but doesn't impress otherwise
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Mpow Jaws V4.1 Review
Credit: Mpow
Price:  $26 List
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Manufacturer:   Mpow
By Max Mutter and Steven Tata  ⋅  Aug 22, 2017
  • Sound Quality - 30% 5.0
  • Comfort - 20% 5.0
  • Athletic Performance - 20% 2.0
  • Battery Life - 15% 9.0
  • Portability - 10% 4.0
  • Ease of Use - 5% 6.0

Our Verdict

Earning the worst overall score in our testing, the Mpow Jaws V4.1 failed to impress us in any way. A stellar battery life couldn't make up for average sound quality and poor comfort and athletic performance. If you're looking for a budget option we would suggest spending just a few dollars more on the Anker SoundBuds. These earbuds provide better all around performance and are great for both sitting at a desk and hitting the gym. However, if you're looking for the cheapest way to get rid of headphones cables while sitting at your desk, and don't mind relatively mediocre sound quality, these buds will at least get the job done.
Great battery life
Average sound quality
Not good for working out

Our Analysis and Test Results

The Mpow Jaws V4.1 have very few redeeming characteristics beyond a good battery life, and we wouldn't recommend them to most users. If you're just looking for a cheap way to get rid of headphone wires while you work, they perform adequately, but they're certainly not going to blow you away.

Performance Comparison

mpow jaws v4.1
Credit: Jenna Ammerman

Sound Quality

The Jaws were average in our sound quality testing, picking up a score of 5 out of 10. The bass was actually decently powerful, slightly above average, which gave the sound decent depth. However, the clarity was below average, making higher notes and complex melodies sound somewhat muddled and occasionally staticy. They're good enough for casually listening to music, but if you're looking for a nuanced listening experience you're going to have to look elsewhere, and spend much more.

Making calls with the Jaws was also average. All of our conversations were understandable, but there was some slight static.


The Jaws again scored an average 5 out of 10 in our comfort testing. The Jaws comes with three sizes of earpieces, allowing most users to find a decent fit. Once in the ear the earbuds feel fairly snug and secure, and do a decent job of blocking out at least some of the more annoying ambient noise. The mostly rigid neckpiece is much higher profile than most models. Just sitting at your desk this feels fine, but move around at all and you feel like you're wearing a large, obtrusive necklace.

mpow jaws v4.1 - the jaws has simple volume controls.
The Jaws has simple volume controls.
Credit: Jenna Ammerman

Athletic Performance

The Jaws are not designed for athletic pursuits and accordingly scored a 2 out of 10 in our athletic performance testing. The earbuds have no fins or hooks to add extra stability, and the rigid neckpiece bounces around like crazy if you run or jump at all. That gets extremely annoying very quickly, so there is no way you should take these earbuds to the gym.

mpow jaws v4.1 - the earbuds can dock into the neck piece, but the wires still dangle.
The Earbuds can dock into the neck piece, but the wires still dangle.
Credit: Jenna Ammerman

Battery Life

Battery life is the one place where the Jaws shined, lasting a full 11 hours in our testing. Transatlantic flight? No problem. Full day at the office? Easy. Long train ride to work? Piece of cake.


The Jaws reeled in one of the lowest scores in our portability testing with a 4 out of 10. The large neck piece prevents them from being easily stowed away, requiring much more space and packing care then earbuds that use flexible wires instead. The neckpiece is slightly flexible, making these more packable than the LG TONE Platinum.


The Mpow Jaws V4.1 lists for a very economical $26, so there is very little financial risk in terms of giving these earbuds a try. However, we feel that the Anker SoundBuds perform better and provide more of the common advantages of Bluetooth earbuds for just a slightly higher list price.


The Mpow Jaws V4.1 are inexpensive earbuds that are fine for sedentary activities, but can't keep up with any athletic pursuits.

Max Mutter and Steven Tata