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Rexing V1 Review

A great camera that is somewhat held back by quite a frustrating user interface
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Rexing V1 Review
Credit: Rexing
Price:  $100 List
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Manufacturer:   Rexing
By Max Mutter and Steven Tata  ⋅  Jun 17, 2021
  • Video Quality - 40% 8.0
  • Video Capture - 25% 7.0
  • Interface - 25% 3.0
  • Visual Footprint - 10% 8.0

Our Verdict

Overall we were quite impressed with the Rexing V1 in our testing. It can produce high-quality video, has a slim profile, and isn't too expensive. However, We found the equally slim AUKEY DR02 to be a bit more user-friendly, and it produces just as high-quality video. Therefore, for most people, we think the AUKEY would be a better choice. However, the Rexing V1 does have built-in WiFi, a feature the AUKEY lacks. So if you're jonesing for the ability to wirelessly send video clips from your camera to your phone, this is a great choice.
Very good video quality
Small visual footprint
Built-in Wi-Fi
Somewhat frustrating interface

Our Analysis and Test Results

The Rexing V1 is a great overall camera, but it faces some stiff competition. Bolstered by great video quality but held back by a less-than-ideal user interface, this cam ended up close to the bottom of the pack once all our tests were said and done.

Performance Comparison

rexing v1 - the rexing v1 has a nice, large screen but poorly designed menus.
The Rexing V1 has a nice, large screen but poorly designed menus.
Credit: Jenna Ammerman

Video Quality

This is certainly the high point for the Rexing V1, with only one other model besting it in our tests. The video quality is very crisp. In fact, in our testing, we thought its video looked noticeably clearer than the videos from other cameras sporting the same 1080p resolution. The wide 170˚ field of view provides a large area of coverage without any distortion or blurring around the edges. Both day and night we were able to easily identify other cars' license plates in many different lighting conditions. Really the only weakness of the camera is that very sunny days or bright lights at night can sometimes wash the image out enough to obscure a license plate number. However, this is present to some extent in every camera we tested, and the Rexing V1 suffers from this to a relatively minimal degree.

Video Capture

The Rexing V1 offers a standard bevy of video capture features, putting it right in the thick of our video capture scoring. Like all of the cameras we tested, we thoroughly vetted the G-sensor through the use of large numbers of user reviews. We were able to find many instances of that sensor functioning properly and protecting video of crashes from being overwritten, and no instances of it malfunctioning. It also automatically starts recording when you start your car, which was our second requirement for inclusion in our review.

Beyond the basics, the Rexing V1 allows you to choose the length of video clips that it records, and by proxy how much video will be protected from overwriting when the G-sensor detects an event. Those options include 1, 3, 5, and 10 minutes. While we wouldn't consider this a huge improvement over the other cameras, it is nice to have a bit of flexibility.

Possibly the most convenient video management feature of the Rexing V1 is its built-in WiFi which allows you to send clips wirelessly from the camera straight to your phone. This feature certainly isn't a necessity, but it does allow you to quickly share whatever amazing thing that happened on your morning commute to social media. Like most cameras on the market, the Rexing also has a record button. Pressing this button will protect the current video clip from being overwritten.


This is the one area where we did run into some frustration with the Rexing V1. Its buttons, while large and easy to press, are somewhat oddly labeled. We do like the large 2.4-inch screen, but the menus that are displayed on that screen are oddly designed and certainly not intuitive. We found ourselves constantly consulting the manual and Google when trying to adjust advanced settings. While this frustration certainly stops short of making the camera unusable, other budget models offer a much more friendly user experience.

rexing v1 - both the v1's buttons and menus are somewhat confusing, making it...
Both the V1's buttons and menus are somewhat confusing, making it one of our least favorite cameras if we have to adjust settings.
Credit: Jenna Ammerman

Visual Footprint

The Rexing V1 is functionally one of the slimmest cameras we've tested. Though its dimensions are actually quite large, the wedge shape lets it sit more closely to the windshield, resulting in less visual impairment. This has the added benefit of providing quite a large screen without adding too much visible surface area. We highly doubt anyone is going to find the profile obtrusive, but there are options that take up a bit less space in the driver's peripheral vision.

rexing v1 - thanks to a curved design the v1 doesn't take up much visual space...
Thanks to a curved design the V1 doesn't take up much visual space on the windshield.
Credit: Jenna Ammerman


For the price, the Rexing V1 offers great video quality and all of the features most people look for in a dash cam. If you want built-in WiFi and the highest quality video possible, and can deal with a clunky interface, this is a great choice.


The Rexing V1 is a great all-around camera, but some frustrations with its user interface keep it from being our top recommendation to most people.

Max Mutter and Steven Tata